
Its Been A While… But Im Back!!!

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Hey guys im back!!!!

So its been a really really long time since I have posted on here.. Just because I have been so busy with my furniture business House Of Glitz And Glamour  and my other businesses etc and before you know it.. a day turns into a week.. a week into a month and so on.. and so on.. but I have had lots of people message me asking if im still promoting events and if I would like to review products which I have continued to do but Instagram just doesn’t give you the space to get everything you want to across. Dont get me wrong it’s perfect for a quick picture or link but sometimes you just need a little bit more to get your views and opinions across. 

I have still been writing my features in The Link Magazine which I know many of you read as I get lots of emails regarding recommendations and discount codes, but I will try and get back on top of everything and keep this up to date as much as I can.

I have months of posts to work on but I suppose I have got to start back somewhere.

I hope all my readers are good and If there is anything you would like to know or questions to ask places to visit if your coming to Liverpool my email is still the same Jade@jadeainsworthgossip.co.uk

Also if there are any companies who would like to be featured also send me a little email. 
I’ll leave it here for now otherwise I’ll be waffling on all night and I have a few posts to get through for events going on over the next couple of weeks.

Love Jade x

Jade Ainsworth Gossip