MD Productions CIC Launches Blank Canvas & Is Now Offering Free Classes
MD Productions launches ‘ Blank Canvas ‘ at Shankly Hotel in Liverpool and they need you!!
Their mission is to find City regions businesses to support and sponsor 200 people – Anyone, Anywhere, Any Age from our City Region. To give access to a FREE creative journey with MD Productions.
MD Productions is more than just a dance company. Behind the scenes MD is using creativity as a tool to engage, inspire and increase confidence, not only to children and young people but adults too.
Founder and Creative Director Miguel Doforo said: “I’m launching my new campaign ‘Blank Canvas’ I want anyone, anywhere any age from our city region to access creativity and support for free. MD is a safe space where everyone can be themselves. We assist in removing barriers that can stand in the way including home life, education, childcare, finances, food, travel and isolation. MD will wrap a support system around the whole creative journey – someone to talk to, someone to listen and sign post when needed”
The campaign will start by digitally painting city region businesses supporters onto their Blank Canvas. Over the duration of 12 months an additional canvas will be digitally painted to represent the vision of the 200 people that have supported. The creative journey will be celebrated by a spectacular performance that reflects true life at a prestige venue. All tickets will be given away for free with your support.
Can you support? Can your company become one of the businesses on Blank Canvas 2017.
Can you make a difference? £1000 a year, £80 per month, £20 per week, £3 per day? To give a person an opportunity to gain confidence, enhance skills, increase self-esteem, help a person reach their potential, promote hopes and dreams.
Can you give a talk to a group of people, give a tour of your business, offer work experience ….. any support at all will help!
The person who accesses #BlankCanvas will receive:
- Free access to a minimum of 3 evenings per week of Dance, Drama, Vocals and Creative sessions
- Receive an MD uniform
- Food and refreshment provided at every MD session.
- Access to Key Work support (fully qualified social worker)
- Work towards Arts Award Qualification (optional progression route for HND/Employment)
- Produce & perform at prestige Liverpool venue
- Perform at many community and charity events that MD CiC support
Company Sponsorship Packages will include:
- Logo branding on Social Media, poster, leaflets, show reels, testimonials and Website
- Advertising links to your website
- Receive tickets for the end of year performance
- 2 performances at requested events for your company.
- Promoting your company and support through any of our media links – radio, television, and internet interviews/advertising opportunities.
- Acknowledgment Promotion video before and after end of year performance.
Companies wanting to support on a larger scale can access headline sponsorship benefits
Please contact Lisa Gibson on lisa@mdproductionsltd.com 0151 706 0463 or 07738324389 for more information.