Whats On In Liverpool

Mad Friday At Sugar Hut Liverpool

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Its set to be the busiest Friday of the year – the last Friday before Christmas ‘Mad Friday’

Where else would you want to get into the festive spirit than Liverpool’s hottest spot???  The newly opened Sugar Hut.

Situated in the old Living Room and Mosquito venue its in the prime location if you are out and about tonight.

Ladies night takes place each and every Friday:-

With Tom Buck and Dom Townsend hitting the decks between 10pm and 4am.

For last minute guest list email jess@sugarhutgroup.com

Ladies are complimentary all night!

Guys are £5.00 on the door

Bring ID though gang otherwise you will be refused entry!


Event enquiries, Group Bookings and Private Hire and everything else:
T: 01512 366 390 / E: liverpool@sugarhutgroup.com
Address: 15 Victoria Street, Liverpool, L2 5QS

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