
Have You Had A Hair / Beauty Disaster?? Then – Style_Fixers Needs You

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Studio Lambert, the makers of Gogglebox and Tattoo Fixers, are creating a new style series for E4. They are recruiting a gang of talented skin, hair and beauty professionals to set up a very special shop. The team will specialise in fixing and transforming cosmetic, beauty or style fails from around the UK. They are searching for people who have had a botched beauty job, horrific haircut or style disaster that they would like fixing.

Could this be you? Perhaps you know someone who could do with a makeover?

Anyone who would like to be considered for the series should get in touch by emailing or calling 020 3040 6903 to speak to a member of the team.

 Need a style fix? New TV series from makers of Gogglebox & Tattoo Fixers could help.

Give em a follow on Twitter – @style_fixer

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Jade Ainsworth Gossip