
Happy New Year And All The Best For 2016!!!

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Happy New Year everyone!!! I hope everybody had a fabulous Christmas and wish you all the best of luck for 2016!! Have you all taken the courage and braved the January Sales Yet??? I know, they started before Christmas in some stores but the high street was more of a nightmare than ever last week, I hate it!! No where to park, queues everywhere. Personally I prefer to do most of my sale shopping online, that way you can sit with a cuppa or a glass of Baileys in the comfort of your own home and take your pick with no queuing, fighting for sizes or getting stressed in the changing room and if it comes an your not that fussed just post it back!! http://www.selfridges.com http://alexanderwang.com http://balenciaga.com ,http://farfetch.com are my fav designer websites to check out. These always have the bags Ive had my eye on all year for up to 50% off so if you want to treat your self have a little nose on these sites, make sure you have your credit card to hand tho!!!

I would just like to thank all my readers for your loyalty and coming back week after week to read all my ‘ Gossip ‘ and look forward to brining more fashion, beauty and lifestyle features to you over the next 12 months.

If anybody would like to be featured going forward send me an email to jade@jadeainsworthgossip.co.uk giving me a little bit of info on what you do or what you would like blogging and I will get back to you asap.

Thanks guys love Jade x

Jade Ainsworth Gossip