Celeb News
Happy Birthday Pete Price
Turning 70 and celebrating 50 years in showbusiness is worthy of a celebration by anyone’s standards. But radio presenter Peter Price decided to do something a little bit different for his landmark birthday and anniversary. Last week Pete hosted a ‘Charity Roast’ at the Hilton Hotel Liverpool city centre to raise money for charites close to his heart, Radio City’s Cash for Kids and Claire House. Champagne and cocktails on arrival were followed by a sumptuous four course dinner. Alan Cross and West End singer Emma Dears provided the entertainment, before some of the best known comedians and entertainers in the business, including Paul O’Grady, Mrs Brown, Stan Boardman, Ken Dodd, Chrissy Rock and Les Dennis, Claire Sweeney ‘roasted’ Peter. The event was hosted jointly by Peter Price and Paul Boardman and provided a truly hilarious night of top quality entertainment whilst raising £23,800 for great local causes. The event was organised by Peter Price in association with Radio City’s Cash for Kids.